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Join us virtually if you can't make it to the studio. All of our Yoga and Mat Pilates classes are available this way by signing up for the "2" version of the class. Example: you'll see "Santosha" and "Santosha 2" on schedule. "2" is zoom and regular is in person. 

 Please make sure you're signed up AT LEAST 30 minutes prior to class time.

We'll send you a text or email with a link and password to join the class.  If you register and can't make it, we'll send you a link to the recording. You have 2 days to access this link. To avoid being charged for the visit, please cancel your reservation 2 hours before class start time.


NEW FOR 2024!!!

After requests from several students, we will now offer a weekly online reformer class! The class will not be offered live, but will be recorded at the beginning of each week and will be available to view for 7 days after. To sign up for this class, you'll see it listed on the schedule Mondays at 7am as "Zoom Reformer Recording". Please sign up for this class before 7am Monday if you plan to receive the recording for the week. If there are less than 2 registrants by then, there will be no recorded class for that week. Regular class pricing applies!


Mid-Week Stretch


An all-levels class that focuses on relaxing and releasing tension in the mind as well as the muscles. It's a little bit yin, a little bit restorative, a little bit gentle flow and lot of letting go. Gentle movements will warm the body and prepare you for some stretchy poses. We'll take our time, as well as several deep breaths, giving the body ample opportunity to explore and open. A perfect class for those who want to work more on gaining flexibility rather than strength.




Tap into the radiant energy of the sun in this feel-good flow! This mixed level vinyasa class has sun salutations at it’s core. We'll start you off slowly to get the juices flowing, then build up to some fiery, and fun variations for you to explore. As always, do what you can and don't worry about the rest! Emphasis is placed on the breath in connection to the movement which assists us in being fully present. Plenty of time will be left at the end of practice to unwind and relax, leaving you glowing from the inside out!




Build Up/Break Down


This class is like a mini workshop, or a big experiment, and is appropriate for those Yogis who are ready to learn how to move into deeper pose variations and more advanced postures. We'll discuss one or two peak poses, and spend some time in the poses that are necessary precursors to "build up" to the peak pose. Then, we'll "break down" the peak pose step by step, level by level, and provide adequate time for exploration and assistance. Some students may stay in a more basic/prep version of the peak pose until they are ready to advance to the next step or level. Example postures include and, are in no way limited to: chin stand, visvamitrasana, handstand, one legged king pigeon, bird of paradise, and firefly. This class is only recommended for those students who have a strong, regular practice and understanding of basic yoga postures, and for those who are free from injury.


Mat Pilates


This is the floor work version of the Pilates Method exercises with the addition of some contemporary techniques. It is a low impact form of exercise that focuses on small, precise, movements originating from the core. These movements work every muscle in the body in an efficient manner, and are paired with focused breathing patterns. Pilates aims to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment, flexibility, and body/mind awareness.


Pilates Reformer Explorations


This class flows at a moderate pace and offers progressions on the basic exercises you already know. It also introduces  new and more challenging ways to explore movement,  mind/body connection, coordination and choreography on the PIlates Reformer. Students at this intermediate level should have a few months of Reformer experience and be able to hold a plank and a bridge. This class might includes the use of a modern Pilates prop- the jumpboard! It's a large, padded board that sits in front of the foot bar and allows us to jump horizontally. The jumpboards  provide an exhilarating, high energy, but, low impact, aerobic workout that students with even a minimal amount of Reformer experience can enjoy!






Santosha is contentment. This is an all-levels, Hatha style, feel-good Yoga class that celebrates all that our bodies are capable of, and, even the things they aren't! What do you need today?  Let go of striving for what you don't have and accept where you are and what you have now. This practice will be slow and steady to give you plenty of time to move from and be in postures. Modifications will be offered as we work on building strength and endurance as well as balance and flexibility. There will also be dedicated time for breath work to help you leave feeling balanced and at peace with what is. 




Half movement, half stillness. In this class, we'll begin with a moderate Vinyasa practice to warm the body and slightly fatigue the muscles. This will facilitate relaxation of the muscles so that we can more efficiently access the joints and connective tissue during our Yin portion of the class. The Yin segment is made up of floor based postures that are held for several minutes at a time to encourage deeper opening of the body and it's energy pathways (meridians).







Synergy means  "the working together of two things to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects." In this case it's a combo of our two namesakes, Vinyasa Yoga and Mat Pilates! Take this class and you'll see how well they compliment each other! Classes will include a seamless blend of both Yoga and Pilates and might include additional props like hand weights, therabands,  mini-balls, etc. Yes, we'll work allllll the things, but we'll also leave ample time to stretch it all out! Get the best of both worlds in one very potent practice! Some Yoga and Pilates experience is preferred, but if this sounds interesting to you, we encourage you to come check it out and do what you can. We always build on our experience! 




Pilates Reformer Foundations


This slower paced class focuses on learning and practicing  fundamental Pilates techniques and basic reformer exercises. The Pilates reformer will help you find greater, flexibility, strength, body awareness, and coordination no matter your experience or fitness level. No previous Pilates experience is necessary as modifications will be offered.  However, we do recommend starting out with our private introductory package to help get you more acquainted with the equipment and address any personal concerns.


Mixed Level Pilates Reformer


In this equipment Pilates class, we'll adjust our teaching to suit the levels of the students who sign up. Modifications and advancing variations will be offered for most exercises. It is recommended that you have some experience with the equipment before joining a group class. This class might includes the use of a modern Pilates prop- the jumpboard! It's a large, padded board that sits in front of the foot bar and allows us to jump horizontally. The jumpboards  provide an exhilarating, high energy, but, low impact, aerobic workout that students with even a minimal amount of Reformer experience can enjoy!

Wondering where to start?

We recommend our 4 week beginner series "Roots" (see our special events), or regular classes like "Santosha", or the "Mid-week stretch" for Yoga. For Pilates, try Mat Pilates or Pilates Reformer Foundations.


​© 2025 by Shakti Yoga & Pilates

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